Why register withMcKinley Green

We’re proud of what our temping team achieves every day. To join the temporary talent pool at McKinley Green please register your details/contact us. We will get back to you shortly.  

McKinley Green is always here to support its talent. We continue to provide fresh temporary assignments, keep you up to date with the job market, as well as provide you with professional support ranging from job hunting tips to advice for excelling on your first day.  

We know that sometimes candidates can have a hard time identifying their career goals. We can help with this, as we specialise in the ability to articulate your work history and ultimately refine your brand and offering to employers.

If you are currently seeking work, please be aware that not all of our roles are advertised. Members of our talent pool that have previously registered with us are contacted first when an interesting position becomes available. Register with McKinley Green now so we can match your talent with exciting work opportunities as they arrive.